Kantar Enhances Data-Driven Decision-Making

We collaborated with Kantar and Multichoice to enhance their data-driven decision-making process by building a secure data warehouse, automating analytics, and developing a user interface for data visualisation, resulting in increased efficiency, improved accuracy, and better decision-making.

Microsoft Azure
South Africa

Building a Secure Data Warehouse and Automating Analytics

To address Kantar and Multichoice's challenges, we developed a secure data warehouse that centralised their data, replacing the fragmented and manual spreadsheet-based processes they were using. By automating the analytics process, we removed the need for time-consuming manual data manipulation, ensuring that their data was both accurate and up-to-date.

Developing an Intuitive User Interface for Data Visualisation and Reporting

We also built a user-friendly interface for data visualisation and reporting. This interface significantly reduced the time required to curate reports, allowing Kantar and Multichoice to access the information they needed quickly and efficiently. With this new system in place, they now have a reliable and accessible source of truth, empowering them to make informed decisions based on accurate data.

Improving Efficiency and Accuracy for Better Decision-Making

The solution we implemented provided Kantar and Multichoice with several key benefits, including increased efficiency, improved accuracy, and enhanced data-driven decision-making capabilities. By automating their processes and centralising their data, we helped them move away from outdated methods and towards a more modern, reliable system.

Future Goals: Automating Processes and Enhancing Resource Management

Looking ahead, we aim to further automate Kantar's processes, reducing their dependency on outdated data sources and enhancing their ability to track activities more effectively. Additionally, we plan to address resource management challenges by providing better visibility into available resources and optimising customer support, ensuring that Kantar can continue to deliver high-quality services to their clients.






Azure Data Factory